Get ready for Microsoft 365 Copilot

“Anything that could give rise to smarter-than-human intelligence—in the form of Artificial Intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, or neuroscience-based human intelligence enhancement – wins hands down beyond contest as doing the most to change the world. Nothing else is even in the same league.” —Eliezer Yudkowsky It is super exciting to see the possibilities of the MicrosoftContinue reading “Get ready for Microsoft 365 Copilot”

HR leader – get out of your office

and build closer and stronger relations! *Post Image created by Bing We are living in uncertain times, and history shows that in uncertain times some companies cease to exist and others blooms. Why this happens have many answers and I guess none of us have all them. Still, what matters is what YOU and yourContinue reading “HR leader – get out of your office”

Files, files and files; lost in space or is there a way?

During the last few months most of us have gotten some experience with digital tools for online meetings, and some have for a long time worked with digital collaboration tools for handlings files as well. As we are getting to grips with the online meetings it is not necessarily so easy to understand where toContinue reading “Files, files and files; lost in space or is there a way?”

Hjemmekontor – hinder eller mulighet?

Etter et par år med pandemi har nok de fleste fått et forhold til hjemmekontor, eller fjernjobbing via digitale flater kan man kanskje også kalle det? Flere er, med rette, bekymret for både egen og sine kolleagers, ansatte, medarbeideres og organisasjonsers/selskapers, fremtid. På samme tid slår det meg at vi opplever trusselen, eller årsak tilContinue reading “Hjemmekontor – hinder eller mulighet?”

Meetup: Microsoft 365 Collaboration Update with Jeff Teper

The Norwegian Microsoft 365 Community were thrilled to have Jeff Teper, the father of SharePoint and Corporate Vice President at Microsoft, presenting the latest news at our meetup on August 13th. 2020. See his presentation in the video below. To check out upcoming meetups in our community, go to: Jeff Teper and the restContinue reading “Meetup: Microsoft 365 Collaboration Update with Jeff Teper”

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