Get ready for Microsoft 365 Copilot

Two people sharing knowledge
  1. 🦸🏽‍♀️🦸🏽‍♂️🦸🏽Make a rock solid team to lead you into the future of work
  2. 💡Teach your employees to Work out loud
  3. 🏗️Restructure your ecosystem for collaboration and communication
  4. 👩🏽‍🏫Get up to date on digital skills

“Anything that could give rise to smarter-than-human intelligence—in the form of Artificial Intelligence, brain-computer interfaces, or neuroscience-based human intelligence enhancement – wins hands down beyond contest as doing the most to change the world. Nothing else is even in the same league.”

Eliezer Yudkowsky

It is super exciting to see the possibilities of the Microsoft 365 Copilot!

At the same time, it will equally be interesting to see which companies jumps onboard right away, and what this will mean for their business, and for those that don’t. As we have talked about it, within my group of colleagues, peers and customers, we pretty much agree that the changes that come with Microsoft 365 Copilot, can be likened to when the internet became available for most people.

So what will this mean for you and your organization? Perhaps you have an idea or a plan? I guess, time will show…

…in the meantime…it can be smart to get ready…

Are YOU and your organization ready for Microsoft 365 Copilot?

Well, you might not even consider it yet. However, I would advice you to do just that! 💡Whether you embrace Microsoft 365 Copilot, or not, the technology behind it is here. It has been here for a while. The difference between organizations will be between those who come onboard and those who don’t. And, the gap that will grow between will be larger to cover…

History of Artificial Intelligence:

How can you get ready?

Check out this video How to get ready for Microsoft 365 Copilot”, by Jeremy Chapman, Director Microsoft 365, and what 3 things you can do to get Microsoft 365 Copilot ready. The first on his list is important even if you don’t implement Microsoft 365 Copilot.

1 🦸🏽‍♀️🦸🏽‍♂️🦸🏽Make a rock solid team to lead you into the future of work

In addition to what Jeremy share in the video, I would stress the importance of establishing a Centre of Excellence; a forum and network of internal tech, knowledge, adoption and change management experts, such as Champions.

Champions are vital for an organization to learn new and smarter ways of working together. Even for smaller organization, just having 2-3 persons who are sharing the responsibility of champions, can make a huge difference! And yes, you need more than one as they need to have different skill sets (tech, communication, security, information management, adoption and change management, etc..).

Image source: Become a Champion – Microsoft Adoption

Ownership of champions, in e.g. in the form of a board (consisting of representatives from IT, HR, Communications, and other relevant units in the business), reporting to main sponsor(-s) in the leadership board, with mandate to running both the champion network, making technology decisions, competency directions, etc., is equally vital. Without ownership and a defined mandate, people will revert back to old habits and the way we work in an organization will be fragmented.

2 💡Teach your employees to Work out loud

As my colleague, Lesley Crook, says it; sharing your work in the context of thinking others might find it useful. Check her blog: Viva vision #11 Why Viva adoption is like pet adoption and the originator of the idea: Working Out Loud ®

Working Out Loud in Teams

Collaborating on work processes purely in email conversations and private chats in Teams is not “Working Out Loud”, and it hinders effective collaboration. The recommended way of working together is to collaborate and communicate on work related topics in Teams channels, where you tag people or groups for them to be notified of updates.

As a general rule*, content shared via private chats will be stored in your OneDrive, which is your own personal storage – and that is what it is meant to be. Check out my blog about MOCA on my own.

As a general rule*, content shared in channels in Teams is stored in the associated SharePoint site document library. Hence, both dialogues and content will be available for your Copilot to find, to help you in your work.

*Of course, content can also be shared in forms of links to other sources, both internal and external.

If we are hiding everything in our drawers (email and OneDrive) it won’t be available for others to find, neither for your Microsoft 365 Copilot.
Life gets easier for everyone if we share our work in channels – we are all working in the same room – let’s help each other!And, our meals are so much tastier when we make it together and eat it together! #BetterTogether
Hiding and hoarding, or share and multiply?

3🏗️Restructure your ecosystem for collaboration and communication

  • How does your ecosystem for collaboration and communication look like?
  • Do you have fragmented use of tools?
  • Are some parts of the organization refusing to let go of their favourite toy – as it has been their favourite for so long, even if the rest of the organization can’t access it or want to use it? So, basically it can remind you of the wars of titans at times?

👉🏽Have a look at your current ecosystem for collaboration and communication and make decisions and a plan for which tech to keep, to get and which to let go of.

4👩🏽‍🏫Get up to date on digital skills

  • Are your employees too busy with their everyday work and meetings so they don’t get time or motivation to learn new digital skills
  • Are your leaders hindering smart and effective ways of working due to them not being digitally comfortable or skilled enough to teach their employees, even when employees are asking for it?

Make decisions and strategies for empowering your leaders and your employees.

If you’ve got questions, would like me (and/or my colleagues) to help you with any of the above, or would like to provide feedback about my blogs, please feel free to do so completing this form or scan the QR-code added on this page, or contact me via social media.
💡Here to help and empower YOU!🥰

Published by Merethe Stave

Read more about me at

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